Fault Displacement Hazard - Anadarko Afungi LNG Development, Mozambique
A fault displacement hazard assessment was performed for Anadarko Petroleum’s proposed Afungi LNG facility located in northeastern Mozambique. Onshore geologic, geophysical, and geotechnical site characterization techniques were employed to evaluate the presence and level of activity (rate and magnitude) of potentially active faults within 10 km of the proposed development area. The project involved the collection, analyses and interpretation of multiple datasets (surficial geologic mapping, onshore and offshore seismic reflection data, subsurface trenching, geologic logging of deep borings, high-resolution elevation data, and numerical age control).
All of the faults within the 10-km radius have been interpreted as gravity-driven extensional growth faults related to collapse of the Rovuma Delta. The faults are interpreted as having some component of creep, and are non-seismogenic, meaning they are not capable of generating an earthquake having a magnitude greater than ~ M5.5.